Contact Maîtresse Balkis only by email.
How to reach me
To get in contact with me,
you must write a detailed email introducing yourself, and what you seek.
I may be long to answer. But, when a missive is properly laid out, I always do. Even if my answer is negative, you will receive it.
I do not, however, stoop to answer brutal emails, or ill-conceived requests.
Be warned that I meet very few subjects.
It is impossible to meet me without having a negative covid test.
One important note. If you use extreme practices as your passport to get to that wonderful blur, please be aware that I will not be able to help you. Not that there is anything wrong with pain per se, but I need to be true to myself, a demonic enchanter, not merely an executioner.
I can be visited in my cabinet de curiosités in an elegant and secured place dedicated to my drama.