Le contact avec Maîtresse Balkis se fait par courrier mail. Maîtresse accepte les novices et donne sa réponse à tous les sujets à Paris
To get in contact with me,
you must write a detailed email introducing yourself.
By writing to me, you are actually stating that you understand the universe whence these images have been drawn. You are also saying that you would like to be part of that universe, in some capacity.
I may be long to answer. But, when a missive is properly laid out, I always do. Even if my answer is negative, you will receive it. I do not, however, stoop to answer brutal emails or ill-conceived requests.
I meet very few subjects. I like them to show earnesteness, precision and fine taste in everything they manifest (words, movements, allure).
One important note. If you use extreme practices as your passport to get to that wonderful blur, please be aware that I will not be able to help you. Not that there is anything wrong with pain per se, but I need to be true to myself, a demonic enchanter, not merely an executioner.
I can be visited in my cabinet de curiosités in the heart of old Paris.